Managing your tenancy agreement should be a straightforward and simple process, so we have developed a guide that we hope will assist you in getting comfortable in your new home and throughout the life of your tenancy.
Office Hours for Enquiries and Advice – 02 9056 1717
Open 6 Days a week
8.30am – 5.30pm Monday to Saturday
Rental Payments
Unless other arrangements are made, rent under your Residential Tenancy Agreement will be payable in advance. If at any time you are unable to make a rental payment, on or before the due date, please make immediate contact with your Property Manager.
Rental Bond
Your rental bond will be lodged with the NSW Office of Fair Trading. The bond is held as security against any damage or undue wear and tear. The bond will be refunded promptly after you vacate, provided the property is left in as close as possible to the same condition as when the Residential Tenancy Agreement commenced (allowing for fair wear and tear) and there being no other monies owing.
Periodic Inspections
During the course of your tenancy, the premises will be inspected periodically and after 7 days notice has been given to you. These inspections are to check on how the property is being maintained and to see what routine maintenance may be required.
A duplicate key to all properties is retained by us for emergency access. Under special circumstances, and on producing identification, the keys can be borrowed, during office hours, but must be returned within twenty-four (24) hours. No service is available out of office hours or on public holidays.
It would be therefore advisable, that you also make private arrangements regarding the location of a spare key, should you inadvertently lock yourself out.
Locks may only be changed, after first obtaining permission from Victor Kelly Estate Agents or the Landlord, and then on the strict understanding that you supply us with a spare set of keys. Remember, it is in your best interests to ensure that we have access to your property.
We strongly urge you to insure your personal possessions against any loss, damage or theft. The landlord has no obligation to insure your personal belongings.
Electricity, Gas and Telephone
It is each tenants’ responsibility to have the appropriate account placed in their name(s) and then to arrange to have a meter reading prior to moving in or vacating the premises. Set out below are the contact numbers for these authorities:
- Electricity/Gas – Energy Australia Tel: 131 535
- Gas/Electricity – Australian Gas Light Company Tel: 9922 0101
- Telephone – Telstra Tel: 132 200
Repairs & Maintenance
All repairs are to be put in writing, using the Repair Request forms available from our office. You may also request repairs “Online” on our website by clicking on the Repair Request Form, completing the details and sending it to us, this MUST however be followed up in writing.
Only emergency repairs will be accepted verbally. All repairs are attended to as promptly as possible, however, it is often necessary to obtain the Landlord’s approval and/or quotes before any work can commence, so unfortunately a delay is sometimes unavoidable.
If firm arrangements regarding access for any tradespeople are not kept by you, the service charge for calling the tradesperson will be automatically passed on to you for payment.
Where you rent a house, terrace or a semi-detached cottage, the upkeep of the gardens and grounds are your responsibility. Please do not store unnecessary paper, rubbish, bottles, cans, etc. on or around the premises.
Termination of the Tenancy Agreement
Your Residential Tenancy Agreement is a legal and binding contract, providing protection for both you and the Landlord.
The Residential Tenancy Agreement can be terminated by you in the following ways:
* If you intend to vacate at the end of your Residential Tenancy Agreement you are required to give fourteen (14) days written notice prior to the expiry of the fixed term of your Agreement
* Once the fixed term has expired, you are at liberty to continue living at the property or to vacate. If you intend to vacate, written notice to that effect must be received by our office at least twenty-one (21) days prior to the vacating date
If however, unforseen circumstances arise and you have to vacate prior to the expiration of your Residential Tenancy Agreement, please contact your Property Manager immediately and we will endeavour to find another suitable tenant. However, you will still be responsible for the rent until another suitable tenant is found, as well as the payment of a letting fee, an Agreement preparation fee and all advertising costs.
Please ensure that any other occupants of the property also read this information.